Source code for spreg.sur_lag

Spatial Lag SUR estimation

__author__= "Luc Anselin,    \
             Pedro V. Amaral"

import numpy as np
from . import summary_output as SUMMARY
from . import user_output as USER
from . import regimes as REGI
from .sur import BaseThreeSLS
from .diagnostics_sur import sur_setp, sur_chow, sur_joinrho
from .sur_utils import check_k

__all__ = ["SURlagIV"]

[docs]class SURlagIV(BaseThreeSLS, REGI.Regimes_Frame): """ User class for spatial lag estimation using IV Parameters ---------- bigy : dictionary with vector for dependent variable by equation bigX : dictionary with matrix of explanatory variables by equation (note, already includes constant term) bigyend : dictionary with matrix of endogenous variables by equation (optional) bigq : dictionary with matrix of instruments by equation (optional) w : spatial weights object, required vm : boolean listing of full variance-covariance matrix, default = False w_lags : integer order of spatial lags for WX instruments, default = 1 lag_q : boolean flag to apply spatial lag to other instruments, default = True nonspat_diag : boolean flag for non-spatial diagnostics, default = True spat_diag : boolean flag for spatial diagnostics, default = False name_bigy : dictionary with name of dependent variable for each equation. default = None, but should be specified. is done when sur_stackxy is used. name_bigX : dictionary with names of explanatory variables for each equation. default = None, but should be specified. is done when sur_stackxy is used. name_bigyend : dictionary with names of endogenous variables for each equation. default = None, but should be specified. is done when sur_stackZ is used. name_bigq : dictionary with names of instrumental variables for each equations. default = None, but should be specified. is done when sur_stackZ is used. name_ds : string name for the data set name_w : string name for the spatial weights Attributes ---------- w : spatial weights object bigy : dictionary with y values bigZ : dictionary with matrix of exogenous and endogenous variables for each equation bigyend : dictionary with matrix of endogenous variables for each equation; contains Wy only if no other endogenous specified bigq : dictionary with matrix of instrumental variables for each equation; contains WX only if no other endogenous specified bigZHZH : dictionary with matrix of cross products Zhat_r'Zhat_s bigZHy : dictionary with matrix of cross products Zhat_r'y_end_s n_eq : int number of equations n : int number of observations in each cross-section bigK : array vector with number of explanatory variables (including constant, exogenous and endogenous) for each equation b2SLS : dictionary with 2SLS regression coefficients for each equation tslsE : array N x n_eq array with OLS residuals for each equation b3SLS : dictionary with 3SLS regression coefficients for each equation varb : array variance-covariance matrix sig : array Sigma matrix of inter-equation error covariances resids : array n by n_eq array of residuals corr : array inter-equation 3SLS error correlation matrix tsls_inf : dictionary with standard error, asymptotic t and p-value, one for each equation joinrho : tuple test on joint significance of spatial autoregressive coefficient. tuple with test statistic, degrees of freedom, p-value surchow : array list with tuples for Chow test on regression coefficients each tuple contains test value, degrees of freedom, p-value name_w : string name for the spatial weights name_ds : string name for the data set name_bigy : dictionary with name of dependent variable for each equation name_bigX : dictionary with names of explanatory variables for each equation name_bigyend : dictionary with names of endogenous variables for each equation name_bigq : dictionary with names of instrumental variables for each equations Examples -------- First import libpysal to load the spatial analysis tools. >>> import libpysal Open data on NCOVR US County Homicides (3085 areas) using This is the DBF associated with the NAT shapefile. Note that also reads data in CSV format. >>> db ="NAT.dbf"),'r') The specification of the model to be estimated can be provided as lists. Each equation should be listed separately. Although not required, in this example we will specify additional endogenous regressors. Equation 1 has HR80 as dependent variable, PS80 and UE80 as exogenous regressors, RD80 as endogenous regressor and FP79 as additional instrument. For equation 2, HR90 is the dependent variable, PS90 and UE90 the exogenous regressors, RD90 as endogenous regressor and FP99 as additional instrument >>> y_var = ['HR80','HR90'] >>> x_var = [['PS80','UE80'],['PS90','UE90']] >>> yend_var = [['RD80'],['RD90']] >>> q_var = [['FP79'],['FP89']] The SUR method requires data to be provided as dictionaries. PySAL provides two tools to create these dictionaries from the list of variables: sur_dictxy and sur_dictZ. The tool sur_dictxy can be used to create the dictionaries for Y and X, and sur_dictZ for endogenous variables (yend) and additional instruments (q). >>> bigy,bigX,bigyvars,bigXvars = pysal.spreg.sur_utils.sur_dictxy(db,y_var,x_var) >>> bigyend,bigyendvars = pysal.spreg.sur_utils.sur_dictZ(db,yend_var) >>> bigq,bigqvars = pysal.spreg.sur_utils.sur_dictZ(db,q_var) To run a spatial lag model, we need to specify the spatial weights matrix. To do that, we can open an already existing gal file or create a new one. In this example, we will create a new one from NAT.shp and transform it to row-standardized. >>> w = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_shapefile(libpysal.examples.get_path("NAT.shp")) >>> w.transform='r' We can now run the regression and then have a summary of the output by typing: print(reg.summary) Alternatively, we can just check the betas and standard errors, asymptotic t and p-value of the parameters: >>> reg = SURlagIV(bigy,bigX,bigyend,bigq,w=w,name_bigy=bigyvars,name_bigX=bigXvars,name_bigyend=bigyendvars,name_bigq=bigqvars,name_ds="NAT",name_w="nat_queen") >>> reg.b3SLS {0: array([[ 6.95472387], [ 1.44044301], [-0.00771893], [ 3.65051153], [ 0.00362663]]), 1: array([[ 5.61101925], [ 1.38716801], [-0.15512029], [ 3.1884457 ], [ 0.25832185]])} >>> reg.tsls_inf {0: array([[ 0.49128435, 14.15620899, 0. ], [ 0.11516292, 12.50787151, 0. ], [ 0.03204088, -0.2409087 , 0.80962588], [ 0.1876025 , 19.45875745, 0. ], [ 0.05450628, 0.06653605, 0.94695106]]), 1: array([[ 0.44969956, 12.47726211, 0. ], [ 0.10440241, 13.28674277, 0. ], [ 0.04150243, -3.73761961, 0.00018577], [ 0.19133145, 16.66451427, 0. ], [ 0.04394024, 5.87893596, 0. ]])} """
[docs] def __init__(self,bigy,bigX,bigyend=None,bigq=None,w=None,regimes=None,vm=False,\ regime_lag_sep=False, w_lags=1, lag_q=True, nonspat_diag=True,\ spat_diag=False,name_bigy=None,name_bigX=None,name_bigyend=None,\ name_bigq=None,name_ds=None,name_w=None,name_regimes=None): if w is None: raise Exception("Spatial weights required for SUR-Lag") self.w = w WS = w.sparse self.name_ds = USER.set_name_ds(name_ds) self.name_w = USER.set_name_w(name_w, w) if bigyend and not(bigq): raise Exception("Instruments needed when endogenous variables") #initialize self.bigy = bigy self.n_eq = len(self.bigy.keys()) if name_bigy: self.name_bigy = name_bigy else: # need to construct y names self.name_bigy = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): yn = 'dep_var_' + str(r+1) self.name_bigy[r] = yn # self.bigX = bigX if name_bigX is None: name_bigX = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): k = bigX[r].shape[1] - 1 name_x = ['var_' + str(i + 1) + "_" + str(r+1) for i in range(k)] ct = 'Constant_' + str(r+1) # NOTE: constant always included in X name_x.insert(0, ct) name_bigX[r] = name_x if name_bigyend is None: name_bigyend = {} if bigyend is not None: # check on other endogenous self.bigyend = bigyend for r in range(self.n_eq): ky = bigyend[r].shape[1] name_ye = ['end_' + str(i + 1) + "_" + str(r+1) for i in range(ky)] name_bigyend[r] = name_ye if name_bigq is None: name_bigq = {} if bigq is not None: # check on instruments self.bigq = bigq for r in range(self.n_eq): ki = bigq[r].shape[1] name_i = ['inst_' + str(i + 1) + "_" + str(r+1) for i in range(ki)] name_bigq[r] = name_i if regimes is not None: self.constant_regi = 'many' self.cols2regi = 'all' self.regime_err_sep = False self.name_regimes = USER.set_name_ds(name_regimes) self.regimes_set = REGI._get_regimes_set(regimes) self.regimes = regimes cols2regi_dic = {} self.name_bigX,self.name_bigq,self.name_bigyend = {},{},{} self.name_x_r = name_bigX #spatial lag dependent variable varying across regimes if regime_lag_sep == True: bigyend, name_bigyend = _get_spatial_lag(self, bigyend, WS, name_bigyend) for r in range(self.n_eq): if bigyend is not None: self.name_x_r[r] += name_bigyend[r] cols2regi_dic[r] = REGI.check_cols2regi(self.constant_regi, self.cols2regi, bigX[r], yend=bigyend[r], add_cons=False) else: cols2regi_dic[r] = REGI.check_cols2regi(self.constant_regi, self.cols2regi, bigX[r], add_cons=False) USER.check_regimes(self.regimes_set, bigy[0].shape[0], bigX[r].shape[1]) bigX[r], self.name_bigX[r] = REGI.Regimes_Frame.__init__(self, bigX[r],\ regimes, constant_regi=None, cols2regi=cols2regi_dic[r], names=name_bigX[r]) if bigq is not None: bigq[r], self.name_bigq[r] = REGI.Regimes_Frame.__init__(self, bigq[r],\ regimes, constant_regi=None, cols2regi='all', names=name_bigq[r]) if bigyend is not None: bigyend[r], self.name_bigyend[r] = REGI.Regimes_Frame.__init__(self, bigyend[r],\ regimes, constant_regi=None, cols2regi=cols2regi_dic[r], yend=True, names=name_bigyend[r]) else: self.name_bigX,self.name_bigq,self.name_bigyend = name_bigX,name_bigq,name_bigyend #spatial lag dependent variable fixed across regimes or no regimes if regimes is None or regime_lag_sep == False: bigyend, self.name_bigyend = _get_spatial_lag(self, bigyend, WS, name_bigyend) #spatially lagged exogenous variables bigwx = {} wxnames = {} if w_lags == 1: for r in range(self.n_eq): bigwx[r] = WS* bigX[r][:,1:] wxnames[r] = [ "W_" + i for i in self.name_bigX[r][1:]] if bigq: # other instruments if lag_q: # also lags for instruments bigwq = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): bigwq = WS* bigq[r] bigq[r] = np.hstack((bigq[r],bigwx[r],bigwq)) wqnames = [ "W_" + i for i in self.name_bigq[r]] wxnames[r] = wxnames[r] + wqnames self.name_bigq[r] = self.name_bigq[r] + wxnames[r] else: # no lags for other instruments for r in range(self.n_eq): bigq[r] = np.hstack((bigq[r],bigwx[r])) self.name_bigq[r] = self.name_bigq[r] + wxnames[r] else: #no other instruments only wx bigq = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): bigq[r]=bigwx[r] self.name_bigq[r] = wxnames[r] elif w_lags > 1: # higher order lags for WX for r in range(self.n_eq): bigwxwork = WS* bigX[r][:,1:] bigwx[r] = bigwxwork nameswork = [ "W_" + i for i in self.name_bigX[r][1:]] wxnames[r] = nameswork for i in range(1,w_lags): bigwxwork = WS*bigwxwork bigwx[r] = np.hstack((bigwx[r],bigwxwork)) nameswork = [ "W" + i for i in nameswork ] wxnames[r] = wxnames[r] + nameswork if bigq: # other instruments if lag_q: # lags for other instruments wq = {} wqnames = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): bigwq = WS* bigq[r] wqnameswork = [ "W_" + i for i in self.name_bigq[r]] wqnames[r] = wqnameswork wq[r] = bigwq for i in range(1,w_lags): bigwq = WS* bigwq wq[r] = np.hstack((wq[r],bigwq)) wqnameswork = [ "W" + i for i in wqnameswork ] wqnames[r] = wqnames[r] + wqnameswork bigq[r] = np.hstack((bigq[r],bigwx[r],wq[r])) self.name_bigq[r] = self.name_bigq[r] + wxnames[r] + wqnames[r] else: # no lags for other instruments for r in range(self.n_eq): bigq[r] = np.hstack((bigq[r],bigwx[r])) self.name_bigq[r] = self.name_bigq[r] + wxnames[r] else: # no other instruments only wx bigq = {} for r in range(self.n_eq): bigq[r] = bigwx[r] self.name_bigq[r] = wxnames[r] else: raise Exception("Lag order must be 1 or higher") BaseThreeSLS.__init__(self,bigy=self.bigy,bigX=bigX,bigyend=bigyend,\ bigq=bigq) #inference self.tsls_inf = sur_setp(self.b3SLS,self.varb) # test on joint significance of spatial coefficients if spat_diag: self.joinrho = sur_joinrho(self.n_eq,self.bigK,self.b3SLS,self.varb) else: self.joinrho = None # test on constancy of coefficients across equations if check_k(self.bigK): # only for equal number of variables self.surchow = sur_chow(self.n_eq,self.bigK,self.b3SLS,self.varb) else: self.surchow = None #list results self.title = "SEEMINGLY UNRELATED REGRESSIONS (SUR) - SPATIAL LAG MODEL" if regimes is not None: self.title = "SUR - SPATIAL LAG MODEL - REGIMES" self.chow_regimes = {} varb_counter = 0 fixed_lag = 1 if regime_lag_sep == True: fixed_lag += -1 for r in range(self.n_eq): counter_end = varb_counter+self.b3SLS[r].shape[0] self.chow_regimes[r] = REGI._chow_run(len(cols2regi_dic[r]),fixed_lag,0,len(self.regimes_set),self.b3SLS[r],self.varb[varb_counter:counter_end,varb_counter:counter_end]) varb_counter = counter_end regimes=True SUMMARY.SUR(reg=self, tsls=True, spat_diag=spat_diag, nonspat_diag=nonspat_diag, ml=False, regimes=regimes)
def _get_spatial_lag(reg, bigyend, WS, name_bigyend): bigylag = {} for r in range(reg.n_eq): bigylag[r] = WS*reg.bigy[r] if bigyend is not None: for r in range(reg.n_eq): bigyend[r] = np.hstack((bigyend[r],bigylag[r])) # adjust variable names for r in range(reg.n_eq): wyname = "W_" + reg.name_bigy[r] name_bigyend[r].append(wyname) else: # no other endogenous variables bigyend={} for r in range(reg.n_eq): bigyend[r] = bigylag[r] # variable names for r in range(reg.n_eq): wyname = ["W_" + reg.name_bigy[r]] name_bigyend[r] = wyname return bigyend, name_bigyend def _test(): import doctest start_suppress = np.get_printoptions()['suppress'] np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) doctest.testmod() np.set_printoptions(suppress=start_suppress) if __name__ == '__main__': #_test() import numpy as np import libpysal from .sur_utils import sur_dictxy db ='NAT.dbf'), 'r') w = libpysal.weights.Queen.from_shapefile(libpysal.examples.get_path("NAT.shp")) w.transform='r' y_var0 = ['HR80','HR90'] x_var0 = [['PS80','UE80'],['PS90','UE90']] regimes = db.by_col('SOUTH') bigy0,bigX0,bigyvars0,bigXvars0 = sur_dictxy(db,y_var0,x_var0) reg = SURlagIV(bigy0,bigX0,w=w,regimes=regimes,name_bigy=bigyvars0,name_bigX=bigXvars0,\ name_ds="NAT",name_w="nat_queen",nonspat_diag=True,spat_diag=True,regime_lag_sep=True) print(reg.summary)